About Lesson
As you watch the following TV documentary, think about how the journalist uses her family home in Haifa to narrate the Nakba, the ongoing Nakba, and resistance. How is this an example of place-based storytelling?
Khaled, M. (2019). “بيتنا ورا البحر”. Al-Mayadeen. Film, 20-minutes. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/0PqmGJHHscY
English subtitles: https://youtu.be/fY3ZbvlVlAU
- See: Khaled, L. (1971). PART ONE: The Badge of Infamy – Deprivation and Discovery, 1 The Staircase. In My People Shall Live (pp. 3-13). Retrieved from: https://leilakhaled.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/my-people-shall-live-leila-khaled.pdf